At Fathom we know the last thing on your mind may be professional development right now. However, it may be a perfect time to put some attention on yourself to keep productive right now. Focusing the mind helps to keep us happy, calm and moving forward. It can alleviate the tendency of the brain to keep going in circles around issues we have no control over.
In an effort to support you during this challenging time we are offering 3 free online courses to keep you focused. One is on critical thinking skills and the other two are on creativity. They are listed below so take a poke at them and enjoy! If you are interested in other online coursework take a look at the Fathom online course page. We are offering a 15% discount on online training until 5/31/20. Just enter code FCT15 during purchase.
Clients have asked how we are facilitating scheduled workshops and when we anticipate the ability to run an onsite session or public training course again. Although we have transitioned several courses to the Zoom platform we look forward to being in the classroom with you again in person. New live workshop dates are on the calendar and we hope to see you soon.
3 Free Courses
Introduction to Critical Thinking — This course is designed to help learners define and identify critical thinking and reasoning skills and develop those skills. Critical thinking is an intellectual model for reasoning through issues to reach well-founded conclusions. It may be the single most valuable skill that one can bring to any job, profession, or life challenge. Being able to ask the right questions, critique an argument, and logically dissect an issue occur constantly in the workplace and our lives. Enroll Now
Personal Creativity — Through tools and exercises drawn from Adrian Brown’s book, “Creativity & Innovation”, this course seeks to help unlock the creativity within individuals. By stimulating creativity through various techniques (mind-mapping, DO-IT, SCAMPER, right and left brain thinking) participants learn to tap into their personal creativity and apply it to organizational challenges. Enroll Now