Fathom’s private onsite training courses can be customized to your organization’s needs. Review our workshops and contact us with your questions.

presentation skills training

Presentation and Public Speaking Training

This presentation skills workshop aids participants in building and delivering a powerful message to both internal and external clients. It is the toughest presentation skills training course on the market and yields proven results.

assertiveness skills training

Blue Mind Wellness

Are you and your team feeling overworked and stressed without any release? When we find ways to reset we are inspired, creative, productive and resilient. Imagine returning from a transforming day on the water feeling rejuvenated, clear, calm, happy and relishing in the days experience. Welcome aboard the Fathom Blue Mind Wellness experience!

assertiveness skills training

Assertiveness Training

Those who are assertive in life and at work achieve success. This assertiveness skills workshop helps participants learn that expressing needs, utilizing strong vocal and non-verbal communication and saying NO are critical to success.

customer service training

Customer Service Training

This Customer Service Skills Workshop gives participants new insight into specific customer behavioral styles and their service expectations. The Workshop teaches students to address both the personal and process needs of the internal and external customer.

negotiation skills training

Negotiation Skills Training

Negotiation skills are critical whether selling products or services, purchasing supplies and materials, negotiating salary or obtaining internal resources for project support. This negotiation skills workshop develops the skills participants need to drive mutual victory.

negotiation training

Negotiation for Procurement

This negotiation training seminar is designed for purchasing and procurement managers. Participants learn that facilitating a collaborative negotiation that leaves both their own firm and the supplier organization victorious, is achievable.

negotiation skills training

Advanced Negotiation Training

This advanced negotiation skills workshop will help a seasoned negotiator think more clearly through all the issues that influence the negotiation. The training includes an analysis of how performance will be measured by all parties interested in the outcome of the negotiation.

sales skills training

Sales Skills Training

What is the number one complaint that customers voice about sales people? Sales representatives simply don’t take the time needed to listen and determine real needs before proceeding. This hands-on, consultative sales training program teaches selling skills that increase awareness and build new sales behaviors.

management training

Management Training

This leadership skills workshop helps managers understand the importance of communication and trust in leading team members. Our supervisory skills workshop is critical for managers who are leading through rapid change such as merger, acquisition or increased employee turnover.

leadership training

Leadership Training

The Next-Level Leadership Program is an integrated and highly experiential program designed to inspire each Leader to reach their Next Level of capacity and performance. The topics dovetail and build upon themselves over the course of 12 to 24 months to allow new competencies to develop and integrate into each leader’s busy life.

team training

Team Building Training

How can your team get to the sweet spot where intention, creativity and effectiveness come together? This team building session uses collaborative art, an aspect of creative learning, as a means to getting your team to that place, and it works 100% of the time.

cultural diversity training

Cultural Diversity Training

 Our cultural competence skills workshop enables your organization and leaders to meet the high-performance demands of an increasingly global economy. This course includes a series of training tools and cultural diversity activities that help build cultural diversity in the workplace and with clients.

generational training

Generational Training

The Four Generations in the Workplace training program is the perfect tool to bridge generational gaps, building awareness that will lead to happier employees, stronger teams, and healthier organizations. This workshop helps participants understand how each generation adds its own perspective and value to the workplace.

time management

Time Management Training

Time is like a river. It keeps on flowing even though we get caught up in its turbulence and can’t seem to come up for air. Without effective time management skills, new and constantly changing corporate objectives can be overwhelming leaving us feeling out of control.

Sales Training

Time Management for Sales

Time management training for salespeople is designed for sales. It directly addresses the challenges that salespeople deal with as they try to better manage their time to meet internal and external customer requirements.

selling brand value training

Selling Brand Value

Does it feel like your brand is a “commodity” in a sea of competition? Understanding and selling brand value is key. Your brand’s value is the mental and emotional “real estate” held in the minds and hearts of your customers.

internal brand training

Internal Brand Training

Service intensive businesses have their work cut out for them because human beings complicate service delivery. Opportunities exist every day to deliver internal and external customer service that supports or lessens brand value at multiple touch points.

media training

Media Crisis Training

When we least expect it, we may be faced with managing a crisis situation that requires very special skills. How you interact with members of the media during this time of crisis is crucial.

We Follow-Up

All of our programs come with follow-up. This includes post Workshop follow-up delivered by our Fathom Software. This system delivers one question a day for 2 weeks via email on content. Questions can be answered quickly and are scored. A leaderboard tracks results and a gift is given to the winner.

Private workshops also include the follow-up options below which can be scheduled at any time after the initial experience and expire one year after the session is held. These sessions may used to reinforce continued participant learning by practicing new skills and techniques learned in the workshop. You may choose one option below or discuss a combination with your Fathom Representative:

A. Webinars
B. Lunch and Learn
C. 1/1 Participant Coaching (On-Site)
D. 1/1 Participant Coaching (Phone)